Hannah Call, REALTOR®

Hannah Call

Cell Phone: 310-427-2435
Email: hannahcall@bhhsutah.com
Website: http://HannahCall.bhhsutah.com
Office Location: 2200 Park Avenue, Park City

Get to know Hannah

Born In:

Born In:

Redondo Beach, California

Proudest Moment:

Proudest Moment:

Getting my official Team USA gear. I used to wear that set everywhere I was so proud!

Hardest Thing You've Ever Done:

Hardest Thing You've Ever Done:

Moving to a different country away from all of my family!

Perfect Day:

Perfect Day:

A morning hike with my husband and dog to a beautiful lake where I can get a tan and my husband can fish. And of course my perfect day includes a lot of good food!

Best Gift You've Ever Received:

Best Gift You've Ever Received:

My chunky beagle, Millie

First Job:

First Job:

Professional family photographer

Secret Talent:

Secret Talent:

I speak fluent Swedish AND I can ride a unicycle which I think is pretty cool, but my husband disagrees.

What Do You Love About Utah:

What Do You Love About Utah:

All of the outdoor activities and beautiful seasons. There is so much to do in Utah all year round and the winter weather is mild.

Hannah's Listings